I will give you a face you can relate to and confide in. I’ll tell you soothing words you’ve been waiting for and make you feel at peace. I’ll give you just enough hope to make you apathetic because then, you’ll be easier to control.
Please, pamper yourself in flattery, numb yourself with chemicals, and convince yourself of whatever it is that you want, just pay for my drug prison war machine, shut the fuck up, and dude did you hear about the new QB for the cowboys this season? we're goin to the superbowl baby!
Ahhhh how easy it is to pacify the masses. I send their children off to die for imperialism, I spoon feed them truthiness to hypnotize them into submission, and help them kill themselves with their own cancerous consumerism so they can make way for the next harvest.
I breed their prejudices against each other, turning urban against rural, gay against straight, new immigrant against old immigrant and watch the inter-tribal warfare ensue while I do with them what I please. I enslave the inmate, massage the dictator, and profit from mass murder, drug addiction and planetary rape because talking about politics depresses them, and they don’t give a fuck. Its not big government, it's not small government, its my government, because they let me have it.
If anyone thinks outside of my blue and red box, I let good-hearted, misguided common Americans drown them out with flags flying high displaying aborted fetuses, Hispanics with heads of extra-terrestrials, and two gay dudes that are destroying your marriage for some reason.
With a non-white face or a good 'ole boy as a body shield in the white house, who cares about 2.3 million Americans behind bars, who cares that a quarter of all fish in our streams are poisonous because of mercury from coal, who cares that Jim Crow laws have returned to our schools, who cares about the patriot act, secret prisons, or habeas corpus. If i can still imprison you without evidence for the rest of your life legally because i feel like it, imagine what i can do to you illegally.
But its all good, because change has come to America.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtains, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.
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