I see what you’re sending me… the eye.
That gamma ray energy burst, impossible to fake, and dangerously sincere
That ocular caress, that affection by iris, you cuddle me with the windows on your head.
NEWS FLASH you’re in to me as logic tethers me preventing our decent.
Why should we do this?
Marriage and breakup are the only ways out, both of which scare the living shit out of me.
If we go into this, we risk abandoning our friends, because the void of loneliness will have been filled, We’ll not take as good care of our bodies because we’ll only have one person to impress, and we’ll turn our backs on the hobbies and skills that attracted us to eachother in the first place, because all we’ll want to do all day is hang out and fuck!
We’ll lose our individual identities as people forget that we are not in fact, Siamese fraternal twins and that we do in fact have separate names of ben, and Jennifer, and not benifer.
We’ll be that inseperable pair that everyone hates because we’d rather inspect eachother’s eyeballs than acknowledge that there is a planet of 6.5 billion people outside of our couple bubble.
I’ll hand you my emotional stability on a paper thin plate of china, balanced on a toothpick, held up on the top of a greased pinball. Please don’t hurt me.
I would hereby give you the power to destroy my self esteem, my inclination to seek happiness, and my will to ever love again.
Why the fuck should I get on this nonstop train to eminent disaster?
Because it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.
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