Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Present's Present

Allow my present
Allow my present self to present
Allow my present self to present this present
It's the present

Bodies of atoms of cells
Bodies on planets
Organelles of the cell
Particles in the atom
Systems of the body
Systems of the planets
Orbits of the planets and the atom
Part of a galactic shell

This amazement can't be contained
This engagement happening in the brain
When I'm sad and need some reversal of mentality
I think unclad of the universe and become happy

One second of being present
and the mind would explode
trying to handle the load
way too much to comprehend
yet here we are, perplexed
the complexity is relenting
disorienting, it shouldn't exist
but it does, persisting in flux

in between bosons and galaxies
a big bang and entropy casualties
non sensical light and dark energies
biochemical fights rage in our bodies
electricity goes back and forth in our heads
thoughts zap along through neurons
until we are gone, dead and forgotten

But until then, every femtosecond
every atom with us is sacred
every chance to understand more
every stance against what we abhor
must be seized and not wasted,
we have it within us to all be the greatest

the most compassionate and curious “we” we can be
the best culmanation of humanity we can see
to enhance how we can our gifted time segment
in the present

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