Why don’t we notice each other? The infinite splendor within us all is more than we'll ever know. So much food is wasted while people starve, so many buildings lie empty while people shiver in the night, so many people go to a cold bed at night screaming “somebody fucking touch me!”
Eyes stay lowered to the ground on the dance floor, in petrified fear that someone we don’t know could *gasp* interact with us. We tirelessly toil and spend to attract some kind of the sustenance known as attention, intoxicating, concealing, and trying to be someone else, in unabated desperation that someone will see us.
In public our friends often shield us from the fountains of awe, enlightenment, and endearment flowing from beautiful people whom we do not yet know. A sedentary force field of those with whom we are familiar hinders our ignorant minds from the eye opening conversations that come from seeing with someone’s eyes whose are not our own. In our hometowns, we foolishly walk into a room looking to talk those we know so that we can feel comfortable, while a wise traveler walks into a room comfortable in talking to those whom they will know. We fail to realize that we are all travelers, and every time we walk out of the door, we journey into the foreign land that is the present, where anything can happen, and any connection with another human can be life changing.
So often we weaken our immune system to become sickly, anti-social creatures, through technology, we talk more and say less. We withdraw into a cocoon of artificial barriers we construct of secret societies of people that look like us, where age, culture and judgments imprison us, enslaving our decisions, sterilizing our interactions, and making us all very, very lonely.
In our stupidity, we blind ourselves from one another, because we fear the sheer magnitude of the transcendental majesty we all possess. Our imperfections make us perfect and even more fascinating to complete the treasure we owe each other because we are each other.
We shared the molecules that run through our veins with those that would become the galaxies, stars, our earth and each other when the universe was a baby. The carbon we share when we kiss was shared with supernovas. When we look in one another’s eyes we do it with oxygen that flowed from stars to planets. When we touch each other, we feel with hydrogen in our skin that traveled billions of light years to get here and put itself together in the delightfully unbelievable symphony that is life in us.
So can we please, please, notice each other, and share the universe within us all?
hear hear!
ReplyDeleteopps. it's actually dani, i guess the computer is logged in as my mom.
ReplyDeletewell i summarised to her what you said. she has same reaction. hear hear!
she also said that it's so true we are connected to one another just like any other animal. but unlike all the other animals that blend into each other like a herd of buffalo etc we have the ability to differentiate and unfortunately have to suffer the insecurities and prejudices that come with the benefit of self-awareness. If only we could rise above these insecurities and act more like wildebeest, we could on many levels be happier and more satisfied.
ReplyDeleteshe also sends her love x
oh and well written